Tanzanian phone thief caught harbouring compatriot: police
A 31-year-old Tanzanian man involved in a number of phone-stealing cases was also found to be harbouring an overstaying compatriot, a Public Security Police (PSP) spokesperson said yesterday.Speaking during a regular press briefing, the spokesperson said the police had received a number of cases since May in which the victims reported that their phones had been stolen while they were shopping.The police identified the suspect in one of the crime scenes’ CCTV footage, and they were also able
June 14, 2016
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Lawmaker calls for new regulations on medical beauty treatments
Lawmaker Wong Kit Cheng, a nurse by profession, has urged the government to strengthen its supervision of medical beauty treatments by updating the necessary regulations.Wong makes the suggestion in a written interpellation submitted to the Legislative Assembly yesterday. A copy of the interpellation was sent to the media.The lawmaker says in her interpellation that regulations on medical beauty treatments have been in place for more than 20 years while new technologies for such treatments have
June 14, 2016 | BY admin
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Lawmaker calls for 12,000 pataca cash handout
The government should increase its annual cash handout to 12,000 patacas for permanent residents and 6,000 patacas for non-permanent residents next year, legislator Jose Pereira Coutinho, who heads the Macau Civil Servants Association (ATFPM), said yesterday after a meeting with Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On at Government Headquarters. According to the Official Gazette (BO) yesterday, residents will receive their annual “wealth-sharing” handout starting on July 4. The handout
June 14, 2016 | BY admin
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Exhibition marks visual arts group’s 10th anniversary
The Macau Visual Arts Association is celebrating its 10th anniversary with an exhibition featuring over 70 pieces of its members’ work.The annual exhibition is open at the UNESCO Centre of Macau in Nape until tomorrow.The association was founded in 2005 by visual arts graduates from the Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM). It has since held a raft of art exchange tours as well as exhibitions in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the mainland.Please read the full article in our print edition.
June 14, 2016 | BY admin
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Pearl Horizon protesters want ‘three-party talks’
Hundreds of pre-sale buyers of Pearl Horizon flats staged a protest march yesterday from Areia Preta district to the Central People’s Government Liaison Office in Zape, urging the office to press the local government and the ill-fated residential project’s developer Polytex to hold “three-party talks” with them.  Pearl Horizon Condominium Owners United Association President Kou Meng Pok told The Macau Post Daily that almost 1,000 buyers participated in the protest. The Public
June 13, 2016 | BY admin
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179 charged in Australia for exporting dogs to Macau: reports
A total of 179 trainers and owners have been charged by Greyhound Racing New South Wales, a regulatory body based in Sydney, for the alleged unauthorised exports of dogs to Macau, Australian media reported late last week. According to the reports, the charges have been laid as part of an ongoing inquiry launched by the regulator last December into suspected unauthorised exports of Australian greyhounds to Macau. The reports pointed out that exporting greyhounds to Macau has been
June 13, 2016 | BY admin
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Security guard rapes 16-year-old girl: police
A 25-year-old security guard from India was arrested on Thursday for allegedly raping a 16-year-old girl in her flat in Rua da Pedra, a Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesperson said during a special press briefing on Friday.The spokesperson said that early Thursday morning, after a night out with her friends in Nape, the victim came upon her drunken friend, who was too drunk to go home on her own, so the two took a taxi to the victim’s flat in Rua da Pedra.As the victim wasn’t able to carry her
June 13, 2016 | BY admin
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Police mull extending detention period to 90 days: official
Public Security Police (PSP) senior officer Chio Song Un said yesterday that the Public Security Forces (FSM) will study the possibility of extending the administrative detention period for illegal immigrants and overstayers during their pending deportation procedures from the current 60 to 90 days.Chio, who heads the PSP Public Relations Division, made the remarks during yesterday’s Macau Forum held by government-owned broadcaster TDM in Areia Preta Park.The forum is a weekly public debate
June 13, 2016 | BY admin
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Govt to check if natural gas supply will up power costs: energy chief
Energy Sector Development Office (GDSE) Director Hoi Chi Leong said yesterday the government was checking if local power utility CEM’s plans to build a natural gas power plant would lead to an increase in electricity charges.Hoi made the remarks on the sidelines of the launching ceremony in Praça do Tap Seac of this year’s Energy Saving Week.The annual event organised by the office aimed at raising residents’ energy-saving awareness will hold a series of activities throughout the week,
June 13, 2016 | BY admin
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Car bursts into flames in safety island crash: police
The Public Security Police (PSP) said in a statement that in the early morning yesterday a car was engulfed in flames after crashing into the safety island in Avenida Marginal do Lam Mau.According to the statement, the accident happened at around 3 a.m.The statement said that the driver was believed to have lost control of his car while driving along Avenida Marginal do Lam Mau and crashed into a safety island that separates the road, flipping the car on its side. As soon as the driver and two
June 13, 2016 | BY admin
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Govt hopes youngsters will set up shop in Guangdong
The government’s Youth Business Incubation Centre is talking to its counterparts in the China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ) about encouraging young local people to set up shop in the zone, Economic Services Bureau (DSE) Director Tai Kin Ip said yesterday.Tai spoke to reporters on the sidelines of the closing ceremony of a youth entrepreneur training course, at the Bank of China Building yesterday morning.According the Tai, the local centre will sign a co-operation pact very soon
June 13, 2016 | BY admin
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Couple blackmail 16-year-old girl over lewd photos
A couple was arrested on Monday for blackmailing a 16-year-old girl over lewd photos, a Public Security Police (PSP) spokesperson said yesterday.The local couple are a 30-year-old man surnamed Hoi who works as a food deliveryman, and a 29-year-old woman surnamed Ho who works as a cashier.Speaking during a regular press briefing, the spokesperson said the victim met the suspects on a social media site on May 27. The suspects told her that they could get her a private modelling job which would
June 9, 2016 | BY admin
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Govt mulls 10-year-plan for higher education: official
The government plans to draft a 10-year development plan for the higher education sector after its tertiary education bill is passed by the legislature, Tertiary Education Services Office (GAES) Director Sou Chio Fai said yesterday. The higher education chief made the remarks when addressing the founding ceremony of the Macau Tertiary Education Development and Promotion Association at the Macau Science Centre.According to Sou, the government will start drawing up the plan when the bill,
June 9, 2016 | BY admin
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Police bust 2 drug-dealing cases, nab 10 illegal workers
The police busted two drug-dealing cases on Tuesday, one involving a 20-year-old drug dealer and another involving a gang of four, a Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesperson said during a special press briefing yesterday.The spokesperson said that after arresting the 20-year-old suspect surnamed Hong on Tuesday, the police found 40.3 grammes of cocaine in his flat in Rotunda de Carlos da Maia, worth an estimated street value of 120,000 patacas.The suspect told police he had received the drugs from
June 9, 2016 | BY admin
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Bill proposes uniform recruitment process for govt jobs
Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) Director Kou Peng Kuan said yesterday the bureau planned to regularly carry out a uniform recruitment assessments for residents who want to apply for a job in the public sector, adding that the applicants will be only allowed to apply to take part in professional knowledge assessments by bureaus and similar entities after they pass the initial test.Kou made the announcement during a press conference at Government Headquarters.Kou and Leong
June 9, 2016 | BY admin
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