St Joseph Diocesan College of Macau 5 becomes GAPSK Mandarin Chinese Culture Promotion Base

2024-01-23 03:10
BY Ginnie Liang

St Joseph Diocesan College of Macau 5 (CDSJ5) signed a contract with the GAPSK Language Promotion Committee, and has officially become a GAPSK Mandarin Chinese Culture Promotion Base.

GAPSK is the abbreviation of General Aptitude Putonghua Shuiping Kaoshi, developed by the Language Education Research Institute of Peking University as a new indicator of primary and secondary school students’ Mandarin proficiency.

“Putonghua” means “Common Language”, aka Mandarin in the West. “Shuiping Kaoshi” means to “test someone’s level” of Mandarin.

The signing ceremony was held at the school on Saturday, after which, CDSJ5 will receive the committee’s support such as teacher training and Mandarin proficiency tests to enhance the quality of Mandarin teaching.

CDSJ5 Principal Wong Kin Man said during the ceremony that the school will actively promote the Chinese language and culture, further strengthen the quality of Mandarin teaching, and encourage students to participate in Mandarin recitation competitions.

CDSJ5 Teacher Lam Ka Tat said that there are 30 teachers in Macau who have passed the exam and can help organise the Mandarin exam currently.

Lam also said that with students’ Mandarin proficiency increasing in recent years and an increasing proportion of fresh graduates studying in the mainland, CDSJ5 considered it is necessary to enhance students’ Mandarin proficiency to prepare for their future integration into the country and the development of the Greater Bay Area (GBA).

GAPSK Language Promotion Committee Chief Academic Advisor Zhang Dan said in her speech that learning Mandarin is not only an obligation of citizens, but also plays a decisive role in the strength of the country, the integration of the nation’s various ethnic communities and the upgrading of economic development. 

GAPSK Language Promotion Committee Chief Academic Advisor Zhang Dan (left) and St Joseph Diocesan College of Macau 5 (CDSJ5) Principal Wong Kin Man pose during a signing ceremony at the school on Saturday. – Photo courtesy of TDM


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