Lawmakers raise concerns over private notaries

2016-06-15 08:00
BY admin

Lawmakers yesterday raised concerns over the supervision of the city’s private notaries if more lawyers will be able to acquire a private notary licence after a government-initiated bill regulating the profession becomes law, the legislature’s 1st Standing Committee President Kwan Tsui Hang said yesterday. 

Kwan made the remarks after a meeting of the committee to discuss the bill with government officials at the Legislative Assembly. 

The legislature last month passed the outline of the bill, the main aim of which is to improve the quality of private notaries and increase their number. The bill proposes that lawyers will only be able to enrol in training courses to become private notaries after having worked in their profession in the city for at least five consecutive years.

The Legislative Assembly’s 1st Standing Committee President Kwan Tusi Hang talks to reporters after yesterday’s committee meeting. Photo: Ian Sio Tou

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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