MTel undecided about investing in 5G: CEO

2021-02-25 02:47
BY admin

MTel is still undecided as to whether to invest in the local 5G network at the moment, the telecom company’s Chairman and CEO Michael Choi Tak Meng told reporters on the sidelines of a Spring Festival media dinner at Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau in Zape yesterday.

According to Choi, in 2018 and 2019 the government consulted local telecommunication companies about the licencing of 5G operations, adding that the government has still not come up with legislation regarding the licencing process. He noted that the 5G network requires three to three and a half times more base stations for signal coverage than 4G. He also pointed out that 5G uses at least double the amount of electricity.

Choi said that for now his company had not yet made a decision on whether to invest in a 5G network. He said the decision would be based on the legislation and regulations governing the future 5G licences.

Choi noted that the current government is paying a lot of attention to developing 5G technology, adding that according to previous announcements by the government a regulatory framework for the 5G network would be ready in May or June this year. He stressed the importance of the 5G network in telecommunication development.

According to Choi, MTel was launched in 2011, with the company only having received its operation licence in 2013 and started to fully operate in 2015. When asked by reporters whether he thought the government was too slow when it came to processing telecom licences, Choi said there was definitely room for improvement but he understood that the government was handling a lot of things at once.

Choi noted that his company currently has 7,000 customers, which is the same as last year. He also pointed out that his company’s “private line” service and international export service increased 25 percent last year.

Choi said in his speech at the dinner that MTel is a company created by locals, adding that it has provided an extra telecommunication company option for residents. He said that in order to improve its service, the company has been doing a lot of roadworks, and for that he apologises to the general public for any inconvenience.

MTel Chairman and CEO Michael Choi Tak Meng talks to reporters yesterday during a Spring Festival media dinner at Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau in Zape. Photo: Prisca Tang


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