Father nabbed for beating 16-year-old son

2021-03-29 03:37
BY admin

A man was arrested on March 18 for beating his 16-year-old son earlier that day, Judiciary Police (PJ) Leng Kam Lun said at a regular press conference on Friday.

The 41-year-old local suspect surnamed Leong told the police that he works as a chauffeur.

According to Leng, the Public Security Police (PSP) notified the Judiciary Police of a suspected domestic violence case on March 18 in which a father and son had a quarrel at home about petty matters at about 8 p.m. that day.

The father suddenly pushed his son onto the floor and slapped him on the back of the head. His wife immediately stopped him and separated the pair. The son ran into his bedroom and called his class teacher for help who assisted him in reporting the case to the police.

Leng said the Judiciary Police immediately went to Leong’s home in the city centre and took him to a police station for questioning. Leong admitted to having beaten his son.

The boy told the police that he had been the victim of corporal punishment by his father since childhood, including blows to the head. This time, the boy told the police, he could no longer stand his father’s violent behaviour and decided to call the police for help with the assistance of his class teacher. A medical examination classified the boy’s injury as “common”.

Leong has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing a domestic violence charge, according to Leng.


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