MGM organises local tours with Caritas Macau for dementia patients

2021-05-31 03:17
BY admin

MGM recently collaborated with Accessible Travel Agency of Caritas Macau to organise the “Golden Lion Tour for Elderly with Dementia”, taking dementia patients on a tour of MGM hotels and Macau’s major attractions.

Held from May till November, the tour allows dementia patients to appreciate new wonders and revisit old places in the company of family members, staff of elderly care centres and MGM volunteers. MGM hopes that this innovative programme, with an estimation of 500 people participating, will enrich the lives of dementia patients and their caregivers. It is also part of the Company’s effort to increase public awareness of their needs and step up the initiative to build a dementia-friendly society.

The “Golden Lion Tour for Elderly with Dementia” programme kicked off at the Spectacle of MGM COTAI. The “Golden Lion Tour for Elderly with Dementia” is a themed tour that takes patients and caregivers from 11 elderly care centres of Caritas Macau on a tour of either the Macau peninsula or Cotai. It will be held once a week, bringing the total number of tours to 37. Those joining the “Macau tour” will be able to appreciate the cylindrical MGM Aquarium at the Grande Praça of MGM MACAU; participants of the “Cotai tour” will enjoy the Sea Odyssey show at MGM COTAI. The group tours will also take in the city’s other attractions, including the Handover Gifts Museum of Macao, Macao Museum, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf, Ruins of St. Paul’s, A-Ma Temple, Our Lady of Sorrows Church, and Chapel of Our Lady of Penha.               – mgmpr

This undated handout photo provided by MGM shows a group of senior citizens and MGM staff laughing at MGM COTAI.


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