GEG Foundation promotes Portuguese language, culture and art with IPOR

2021-05-31 03:18
BY admin

Galaxy Entertainment Group Foundation (“the Foundation”) launched the “GEG Cultural & Academic Fund” early this year to support the Portuguese Institute of the Orient (“IPOR”) in organising activities to promote the Portuguese language and culture in Macau.

The scheme aims to deepen the cultural exchanges between Macau and Portuguese-speaking countries, cultivate talents for the related fields, highlight Macau’s unique advantage as the bridge between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, and to better align Macau with the overall development plans of the nation. The “GEG Cultural & Academic Fund” debuted with the launch of a literary and cultural festival, the “‘Alphabets & Friends’ – Feet on Earth and Head in the Air”, which covered various cultural, arts and environmental protection activities that were delivered in the Portuguese language. The festival was successfully concluded earlier, and received strong support and feedback from the participants.

The “GEG Cultural & Academic Fund” is anchored with three main public goals: to create, curate and promote the exchange, visibility and prestige of international artistic projects by Portuguese artists and cultural agents of the Portuguese-speaking countries; to deepen the relations between artists of the Portuguese-speaking countries and Macau and to bring together the creative and artistic experiences of these countries so as to create an impact on the digital applied arts, leisure activities and creative industries for its residents; and to promote Portuguese as a foreign Language in specialised professional areas such as law, business, health and medicine, journalism and public administration in Portuguese-speaking countries, while offering grant programmes to young people in Macau who are specialising in technological and scientific areas in Portugal.

The Foundation focuses on philanthropic activities that nurture young people’s positive life values, education and employment. To fulfil its commitment to corporate social responsibility, the Foundation has initiated multi-year projects since its establishment in 2015, covering sectors from the promotion of art and culture, to education and social welfare, with programmes such as the GEG Chinese Music Promotion Scheme, GEG Intangible Cultural Heritage Scheme, GEG Chinese Literacy Development Scheme and GEG Parenting Education Scheme. – gegpr


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