CCM premieres local new film ‘LVP 2020-21’

2021-06-11 03:44
BY admin

The Macau Cultural Centre premieres Local View Power’s (LVP) new films “LVP 2020-21” until Sunday.

The latest cinematic impressions of the city will be screened in thirteen eclectic films in the Small Auditorium.

Tickets are on sale at CCM’s box office and Macau Ticketing Network at 60 patacas. Given the current epidemic situation everyone in the premises is required to wear a mask, present the Macau Health Code and have their temperature checked.

Meanwhile, CCM is already commissioning 13 new local projects to be included in LVP’s next edition in 2021-22. The assessment of 79 proposals initially submitted was conducted by a panel composed of Hong Kong film producer and director Cheok Cheung, renowned film festival curator Song Wen from Mainland China, and CCM’s own representative. All selected projects are already listed on CCM’s website, including five documentaries, five short features and three short animations to be granted a total budget of 1,300,000 patacas.

Over the past decade, CCM has commissioned a total of 134 works directed by local filmmakers, encouraging a growing number of audiovisual artists and promoting films produced about Macau.       – ccmpr

This handout photo provided by the Macau Cultural Centre shows a scene from the local film “LVP 2020-21”.


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