World political parties should jointly work for people’s wellbeing

2021-07-08 03:14
BY admin


        BEIJING – Political parties shoulder the responsibility of seeking happiness for the people. Now it is time for them to strengthen cooperation in addressing global risks and challenges, and shoulder their responsibility for the pursuit of people’s wellbeing and progress of mankind.

It is the message sent by the virtual Communist Party of China (CPC) and World Political Parties Summit, which was held on Tuesday.

Grave challenges brought by changes unseen in a century and the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted the importance of jointly responding to the challenges by world political parties. Global challenges can only be met through global cooperation.

Themed “For the People’s Wellbeing: the Responsibility of Political Parties,” the summit was a solid platform to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning of experience in governance between the CPC and world political parties.

It is also a chance to enhance the philosophy and capability of seeking happiness for the people, advance world peace and development, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for humanity.

The CPC puts people’s lives and health first. Under the leadership of the CPC, China has lifted hundreds of millions of Chinese people out of poverty and has achieved building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

Many have spoken highly of China’s achievements and are eager to know the formula behind the country’s accomplishment.

As the world’s biggest ruling political party, the CPC has always carried out exchanges with and learned from political parties in other countries on an equal footing with an open mind. Through various dialogues, forums and symposiums, the CPC has enhanced exchanges and shared experience in governance with political parties in Russia, Arab countries, Latin American countries, African countries, and Asian countries.

China does not export the Chinese model and will not ask other countries to copy its practices. The CPC is willing to share its development experience with all parties, learn from each other, and advance hand in hand.

At present, the COVID-19 pandemic is still raging and the world is still in the shadow of a weak economic recovery. Isolationism and populism are on the rise in some countries. Exchanges and cooperation between the CPC and political parties around the world will no doubt contribute wisdom, build consensus, and pool strength to solve the common problems facing humanity.

The CPC has remained committed to peaceful development and worked tirelessly to uphold world peace and stability. It has also remained committed to win-win cooperation and worked for the mutual development of all countries.

The future of every nation is closely linked. The CPC will actively promote the improvement of global governance to make new contributions to humanity’s joint response to common challenges. – Xinhua


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