Govt bolsters street cleaning to help fight coronavirus

2020-02-07 17:27
BY admin

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) said in a statement yesterday that in response to the novel coronavirus epidemic it has strengthened the city’s street cleaning and rubbish clearance. 


The statement urged residents to ensure environmental hygiene and dispose of rubbish properly, used facemasks in particular.



The statement quoted a report by the Macau Refuse Incineration Plant, according to which between last Saturday and Wednesday the plant processed, on average,about 1,151 tonnes of rubbish per day, a decrease of about 25 per cent compared to normal days, the IAM statement noted.


Meanwhile,according to the statement, the bureau has strengthened its measures to clamp down on pedestrians who spit in the streets. The bureau urged residents to pay close attention to personal hygiene and the environment as their personal contribution to the government’s epidemic prevention work.


160 spitters fined  


Between January 1 and yesterday, 160 individuals were fined for spitting in the streets,the statement added.


The bureau also said in the statement that it has hired a local cleaning company to spray diluted bleach from water tank lorries to clean streets in the northern district,the statement noted.

The northern district is Macau’s most densely populated area.


According to the statement, the cleaning company yesterday cleaned major streets and pavements in the northern district.  




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