Group petitions legislature on casino smoking ban

2016-07-01 08:00
BY admin

Members of the New Macau Gaming Workers’ Rights Union handed in a petition to the Legislative Assembly (AL) yesterday, reiterating their stance that a blanket smoking ban should be imposed on all casino premises as soon as possible. 

Speaking to reporters after submitting the petition to an official of the legislature yesterday, Cloee Chao Sao Fong, the group’s president, said that “one or two” casino employees were being diagnosed with respiratory cancer every month. She said casino employees should not suffer from second-hand smoke exposure anymore. 

The legislature’s 2nd Standing Committee is reviewing a government-initiated tobacco control and prevention amendment bill. Lawmaker-cum-restaurateur Andrew Chan Chak Mo, who heads the committee, said in May that seven out of nine lawmakers from the committee were in favour of the continuation of smoking lounges in local casinos, provided that they meet the government’s safety standards. 

New Macau Gaming Workers’ Rights Union President Cloee Chao Sao Fong (centre) speaks to reporter outside the Legislative Assembly (AL) after submitting her union’s petition to a legislative official yesterday, as her fellow union members look on. Photo: Davis Ip 

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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