Illegal immigrant steals handbag worth HK$26,000

2021-07-27 04:29
BY admin

Sublets bedroom to overstayer for HK$200 a day

A man from the mainland was arrested last Tuesday in his flat for stealing a luxury handbag, illegally entering Macau and aiding and abetting an overstayer, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Leong Chi Seng said at a press conference yesterday.

When the police arrested the theft suspect they discovered an overstayer in the flat and took him to a police station for questioning.

The suspect surnamed Chen is in his forties. The overstayer is a 38-year-old man from the mainland surnamed Duan who had rented a bedroom in the flat from Chen.

According to Leong, a woman reported to the Public Security Police last Tuesday that she had left her handbag worth HK$26,000 when she was chatting with a friend in a convenience store in Zape earlier that day. When she returned to the store later she was unable to find it. PSP officers scrutinised the store’s CCTV footage and identified Chen. The officers arrested Chen in his flat in Zape later that night. Under questioning, Chen admitted that he stole the handbag out of greed.

Leong said PSP officers discovered that Chen had illegally entered Macau in 2018 and afterwards was banned for four years from entering Macau. Chen told the police that he paid a mainlander HK$20,000 to illegally re-enter Macau from Wanzai in Zhuhai by boat in 2019. He then rented a flat for HK$10,000 a month and sublet a bedroom to Duan for a daily rent of HK$200.

Chen has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) facing charges of theft by finding, illegal entry, and aiding and abetting an overstayer, according to Leong.

Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Leong Chi Seng poses during a press conference in the PSP press room yesterday.


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