Original song albums subsidy application opens on August 16: IC

2021-07-29 03:38
BY admin

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) said in a statement yesterday that it is accepting applications for the “6th Subsidy Programme for the Production of Original Song Albums” from August 16 until September 30.

According to the statement, this year’s programme comprises two categories: the album category and the mini album category, with each selected album being granted a subsidy of up to 270,000 patacas and 135,000 patacas respectively, as well as professional advice from members of the jury. The statement added that the subsidy will be given to a maximum of three and six beneficiaries for the album and mini album categories respectively.

The statement said that applications for the album category and the mini album category are accepted in the programme (excluding compilations or greatest hits albums). The statement pointed out that the adjudicating panel will select the beneficiaries through the first and the second reviews, based on the following criteria: level of composition and lyrics, level of arrangement and production, performance level of the album artist, budget rationale and production concept, qualifications of the production team, and production proposal, album advertising and promotional plan. Subsidies for the cost of song production, cover design and marketing for the album will be granted by IC.

The statement noted that the programme’s information, regulations and application forms can be downloaded from IC’s website (www.icm.gov.mo), adding that applicants should submit the completed application form and all required documents to the Cultural Affairs Bureau Building in Praça do Tap Seac within the designated period.

For enquiries, please contact, staff members of IC on 8399 6275 and 8399 6265 during office hours.

This poster provided by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) yesterday promotes the “6th Subsidy Programme for the Production of Original Song Albums”.


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