Driving circuits reopen today, road & written tests resume Friday

2021-08-11 03:45
BY admin

The Transport Bureau (DSAT) said in a statement yesterday that driving practice circuits will reopen today, adding that written and road tests will resume on Friday.

According to the statement, the bureau is reopening its service desks at China Plaza and Estrada de D. Maria II, as well as parking areas in Estrada Flor de Lotus.

The statement said that after motorcycles, light vehicles and heavy vehicle’s driving tests resume, the bureau will prioritise those who are taking the exam between August 3 and 31, underlining that for those who are taking their tests after September 1 can enter depending the situation at the practice circuit.

The statement also said that for those who were to have their test between August 3 and 17, including people who are taking either the road test or written exam, can reschedule the dates. The statement pointed out that the people who were to take their written exam or road test between August 3 and 31 have the right to change their date once if they are not satisfied with the new arrangement.

The bureau reminded exam takers that due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is recommended that fewer people gather, hence the waiting time at the service desks might take longer, suggesting residents sign up for the exam online.

For enquiries, one can call DSAT’s hotline on 8866 6363.

Library books return dates extension

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) said in a statement yesterday that public libraries will remain closed until further notice, therefore, library books return dates will be extended accordingly.

The statement said that readers can access free electronic resources on the Macau Public Library’s website at www.library.gov.mo, which features a large number of e-books, e-magazines, academic journals and children’s picture books. The statement noted that the electronic resources include subjects such as humanities and society, language learning, finance and business management, science and technology, computer information, medicine and health, art and design, leisure and lifestyle, parent-child books and audio books.

The statement said that residents can enquire about public libraries on 2893 0077 or 2856 7576, adding that more information about cultural facilities reopening will be announced on the website www.icm.gov.mo in due course.

Govt cancels all crowd-gathering events

According to a Government Information Bureau (GCS) statement, due to the Delta variant menace, the government has decided to cancel all public entities’ crowd-gathering events and any individual or group travel. The statement said that the government also contacted subsidised private organisations to cancel all events that attract crowds, such as performances, training programmes, lectures and talks, until further notice.

The statement said that entities or subsidised organisations hosting such gatherings must arrange the event online or plan it in ways that crowds could not gather. The statement said that organisers must consult the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre before hosting such events.

The statement also said that if private physical events are suspended or cancelled due to the Delta variant family cluster in Macau, government entities will provide assistance, especially with the expenses of the events.

The statement said that the Health Bureau (SSM) will make arrangements in line with the COVID-19 pandemic development in Macau.

Macau Foundation asks funded organisations to suspend some activities

The public Macau Foundation said in a statement yesterday that due to the new COVID-19 prevention and control measures guidelines, the foundation demands funded organisations suspend all events that involve visiting places outside Macau, performances, or leisure activities until further notice.

The statement said that other activities, such as talks, lectures and training that do not attract crowds, should impose crowd control measures or take place online. If physical events must take place, the subsidised organisation must abide by the SSM’s COVID-19 prevention and control measures – attendees must wear facemasks at all times, get their temperature checked, display a valid Macau Health Code, remain one metre apart, disinfect the venue regularly and impose crowd control. The statement underlined that physical events must be approved by the foundation 10 working days prior to the date the event would be held.

The statement said that if the cancellation of the event leads to “reasonable expenses”, the subsided organisation can hand in forms and evidence to the foundation for reimbursement.

The statement said that for any information, one can call 87950950.


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