DSEDJ urges bookshops to optimise textbook sales

2021-09-03 03:54
BY admin

Prisca Tang

        Due to the recent queues at local bookshops, the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) yesterday urged bookshop managers to optimise their purchasing systems or provide direct deliveries to schools.

The bureau made the appeal in a statement.

The statement said that for the bureau’s textbooks, there are new versions as amendments have been made to the syllabus. The statement underlined that the new textbooks arrived in Macau on August 17 and that soon after it contacted all bookshops to pick them up at designated storage areas.

The statement said that the majority of the bookshops have heeded the bureau’s suggestion and directly delivered textbooks to schools in order to ease the queueing situation. However, the statement acknowledged, there is still one bookshop insisting that students and parents purchase their textbooks in loco.

The bureau pointed out that it has already communicated with the bookshop in question and urged it to hire more people to help out at the shop so that people wouldn’t need to queue for their textbooks.

The statement didn’t name the bookshop.


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