Liaison Office Director Fu puts forward 3 hopes during meeting with all lawmakers

2021-10-25 00:57
BY admin

The director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR), Fu Ziying, and deputy directors Zhang Rongshun, Yao Jian, Yan Zhichan, and Zheng Xincong met with all the 33 members of the 7th Legislative Assembly for a sharing session at the Bank of China Building on Friday, during which Fu put forward three hopes, according to a statement by the office released on its website.  

Liaison Office Director Fu Ziying (front, centre) poses on Friday for a group photo on the sidelines of a sharing session with all the members of the 7th Legislative Assembly of the MSAR and the four deputy directors of the office at the Bank of China Building.

The session was hosted by the new legislature, which was sworn in by Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng on October 16, following last month’s direct and indirect elections of 14 and 12 lawmakers respectively and the subsequent appointment of seven legislators by Ho. The Legislative Assembly invited Fu and the other Liaison Office officials to the session. 

  Fu, the top central government official posted to Macau, said in his speech during the meeting that the central government attaches great importance to the election of the MSAR’s 7th Legislative Assembly, fully affirms the results of the election, and is full of expectations for the new legislature. The election strictly implemented the principle of “patriots governing Macau” and truly realised that all 33 legislators of the legislature are patriots, the first time that this is the case since Macau’s return to the motherland in 1999. Fu said the election results are hard-won and commendable. 

Liaison Office Director Fu Ziying delivers a speech during Friday’s sharing session with all the 33 members of the 7th Macau Legislative Assembly (AL) of the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) at the Bank of China Building. The meeting took place at the invitation of the legislature. – Photos courtesy of Liaison Office of the Central

3 hopes 

On behalf of the Liaison Office Fu put forward three hopes for the new Legislative Council:

First, we must create a new pattern and show a new atmosphere. The elections and appointments of the lawmakers reflect the changes in the legislature’s composition. In terms of age, those under the age of 45 account for one-third, and there are seven “post-80” members; in terms of academic qualifications, 73 percent hold master’s and doctoral degrees; in terms of sectorial distribution, professionals account for 27.3 percent, while grassroots representatives account for 45.5 percent of the lawmakers. All major business sectors and the Macanese community are represented in the legislature. The principal of a church-owned school has entered the Legislative Assembly for the first time, and the representativeness of the legislature is broader and more balanced than before. The members of the new legislature have been chosen through rigorous selection. They enjoy a solid foundation of public opinion, different sectors’ support, and social acceptance. The directly elected and indirectly elected members have served civil society for a long time. They were fully engaged in the elections to win the voters’ support. They have made outstanding achievements in their respective fields of work and have been recognised by society. They all come from different sectors and classes and represent different social groups. Although they have different backgrounds in terms of political awareness, abilities, and interests, they are all patriots who love Macau. This is a reflection of the colourful world and harmony and diversity that we advocate. Patriotism is not about shouting slogans. It is not vague. It has specific standards. The red line and the bottom line cannot be crossed. The members of the new legislature have garnered a high degree of trust from the Liaison Office and have a broad mass base in Macau society. They are the backbone and advanced elements of loving the country and loving Macau. I believe this new pattern will be more conducive to everyone’s role. I hope that all members of the Legislative Assembly will continue to uphold the fine traditions of the legislature, fully display a new atmosphere and a good image, always be loyal to the country, Macau, and the people, and make new and greater contributions during their four-year term.

Second, we must grasp the new era and adapt to new changes. At present, the motherland has achieved its first centenary goal and is striding forward vigorously towards the second centenary goal. Solving the Taiwan issue and realising the complete reunification of the motherland are inevitable requirements for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The best way is peaceful reunification, and the best way is “One Country, Two Systems.” Constructing Macau well and putting Macau’s “One Country, Two Systems” into practice can create role models and demonstrative effects. In the process of achieving the second centenary goal, the members of the Macau Legislative Assembly should and can play a more active role. For a period of time, the continuing epidemic has put tremendous pressure on, and brought uncertainties to, Macau’s economic and social development, and brought great challenges to the governance of the MSAR. At this critical stage, we must deeply grasp the mission requirements of the new era, take the initiative to adapt to new changes, face difficulties, and move forward courageously. The central authorities attach great importance to Macau’s development, and on the basis of the in-depth implementation of major strategies such as the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA), they have introduced favourable policies such as the Hengqin Guangdong-Macau In-Depth Cooperation Zone to open up a broader space for Macau’s long-term development and promote Macau’s better integration into the country. The aim is to develop the overall situation and achieve diversified economic development. I hope that the new legislature and all members will do more to seek and promote long-term development, overcome difficulties, understand the burdens involved, and build a better Macau together with the MSAR government, all sectors of society and the general population.

Third, we must show new responsibilities and take new actions. The new term of the Legislative Assembly strictly guarded admission of its members so everyone now has a cleaner and healthier environment, which is more conducive to carrying out their duties in an innovative fashion and, at the same time, they also shoulder more important responsibilities and missions. I hope that all members of the Legislative Assembly will first pinpoint the political direction, always adhere to the political position of patriotism and love for Macau, safeguard the authority of the Constitution and the Basic Law, resolutely defend national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and promote the practice of “One Country, Two Systems” to move forward steadily on the right track. 

Second, we must strengthen political mutual trust. The legislature’s members and the central authorities as well as the motherland must have mutual trust in each other. The central authorities trust everyone so that everyone should also trust the central authorities. This is an inevitable requirement for the comprehensive and accurate implementation of “One Country, Two Systems.” If you have any ideas or questions, you can communicate with the Liaison Office at any time. Don’t have any worries or burdens. The Liaison Office will provide you with sincere support. The goals of the Legislative Assembly and the MSAR government are the same. Lawmakers and the MSAR government should also increase mutual trust, so that the various suggestions made by the government can be more easily understood and accepted. At the same time, everyone can understand the government’s difficulties in governance. There is consultation, there is a concerted effort to support the government to get things done. 

Third, we must maintain a firm political position. Whether it is appointed members, indirectly elected members, or directly elected members, the interests of Macau residents are our fundamental political position. When everyone visited Macau’s electoral districts, the most talked about topic at the election campaign meetings was the daily concerns of the people. I hope everyone will always stand on the people’s side and represent the interests of the people. Without this stand, you will inevitably lose your way. 

Fourth, we must improve political capabilities. The Legislative Assembly members are important members of the MSAR governance team. They must not only be politically strong, but also have the ability to work. All sectors of society have higher expectations and requirements for the new legislature, and everyone feels that if this term does not do well, the people will be dissatisfied and there is no way to explain it. Efforts should be made to improve the ability to participate in, and discuss politics. The level of proposing bills, deliberating and supervising the government’s governance must be higher, better in quality, and more precise in their wording, so as to fully demonstrate the image of the new Legislative Assembly as being for the people, pragmatic and fresh. 

Fifth, we must pay attention to political inclusiveness. The three types of legislators who are directly elected, indirectly elected, and appointed to the Legislative Assembly represent different classes, sectors, and groups. The specific interests represented are different, but the fundamental and overall interests of maintaining Macau’s long-term prosperity and stability are the same. We must pay attention to political tolerance, live in harmony, communicate more, discuss more, and coordinate more, build a united and inclusive team, and fully support the work of the president of the Legislative Assembly. 

During the sharing session, Legislative Assembly President Kou Hoi In expressed his gratitude to the central authorities for their care and attention to the new Legislative Assembly and Director Fu and the Liaison Office for their support and guidance to the work of the Legislative Assembly. In their future work, they will further strengthen communication between the Liaison Office and the Legislative Assembly. 

In accordance with the requirements of the central authorities for the members of the Legislative Assembly in terms of politics, ability, and ethics, they will perform their duties and serve the people with due diligence, and live up to the trust of the central authorities and the expectations of Macau residents, Kou said. 

 Song Lihong, head of the General Office of the Liaison Office, Li Xuefei, head of the Community Associations Liaison Department (Legal Work Department) of the Liaison Office and other officials also attended the sharing session. 

N.B. The original Chinese text of the statement was released by the Liaison Office on its website on Friday. It was translated into English by The Macau Post Daily. The translated version has been slightly abridged from the original text but also contains some explanatory additions. Bold for emphasis was added in the editing process. 


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