4 research projects awarded IC research grant

2021-10-29 03:09
BY Rui Pastorin

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) announced yesterday that after a strict evaluation process, its Academic Research Grant was awarded to four different research projects from local and overseas scholars.

The statement pointed out that the grant programme has been organised to enable the development of original academic research on Macau’s culture and also to allow exchanges between Macau, the mainland and foreign countries, with the Cultural Affairs Bureau having awarded grants to more than 160 research projects over the course of three decades.

The statement underlined that the Macau University of Science and Technology’s (MUST) Institute for Social and Cultural Research was appointed by the bureau to organise a panel of experts to conduct an anonymous review of applications and deliver academic comments to the selection panel. The statement added that the panel was comprised officials and academics from the bureau, Peking University, Sun Yat-Sen University, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), and they chose four research projects out of 29 applications for the grants.

The statement listed the studies as follows: the first study is “Macau’s Traditional Chunambo Construction – Investigation into its Building Techniques, Composition and Conservation Strategies”, by Ip Kin Hong, who holds a PhD in Philosophy and specialises in Heritage Conservation, from the University of Technology in Sydney.

The second study, “A Study on the Formation and Development of the Returned Overseas Chinese Community in Macau – Focusing on Overseas Chinese Returned from Southeast Asia (1949-1999)”, was conducted by Xiang Fang, who holds a PhD in International Relations and specialises in International Relations and Global Governance, from MUST.

This is followed by “Taoist Rituals and Lingnan Taoism in Macau” by Li Jing, who holds a PhD in Literature and specialises in Classical Chinese Philology, from Fudan University.

And lastly, “Heritage on the menu in the City of Gastronomy: Definition and scope of Macanese cuisine”, is by Henrique Fátima Boyol Ngan, who holds a PhD in Psychology, from the University of Saint Joseph (USJ), and Anna Litwin, an instructor at the Macau Institute for Tourism Studies (IFTM).

The statement noted that details of the Academic Research Grant Regulations and the list of the grantees can be found on IC’s website at www.icm.gov.mo, while enquiries can be made by calling 8399 6441 or emailing bolsa.depub@icm.gov.mo. 


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