'One country, two systems' proves its vitality as HK takes confidence in order after chaos

2021-12-26 00:18
BY admin


    December 22, 2021

             With the seventh Legislative Council election of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region successfully concluded, Hong Kong's democracy is once again moving forward on the right track.

The full affirmation President Xi Jinping gave to Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor — who delivered her duty report in Beijing on Wednesday — on the special administrative region (SAR) government's performance over the past year, should consolidate confidence that the "one country, two systems" principle serves Hong Kong people.

With the timely and resolute support of the central authorities, the SAR government has secured the critical transition of Hong Kong from chaos to order. As President Xi noted, the situation has continually improved and the newly revised electoral system, which is an important development for the democratic system in the SAR, ensures that patriotic Hong Kong compatriots are "masters of their own home".

The SAR government has done a good job in balancing COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control with efforts to promote the SAR's economic recovery. Hong Kong's economy is expected to expand by about 6.4 percent this year, with inflation and unemployment pressure kept manageable. Given that Hong Kong's economy contracted 1.2 percent and 6.1 percent in 2019 and 2020 respectively— not to mention the high-handed sanctions the United States imposed on the SAR — these have been hard-earned results.

The rebound of the Hong Kong economy and the restoration of peace and stability in the city in a comparatively short time speak volumes of not only the hard work of the SAR government but also the crucial role the central authorities have played in taking resolute actions to protect the SAR from the disruptive machinations of foreign forces and subversive elements in the SAR.

Thanks to the newly revised electoral system, which guarantees that only patriots can administer Hong Kong, and the National Security Law for Hong Kong, which restored public order in the SAR soon after its introduction in June last year, the anti-China forces have been left railing in impotent anger at the closing of the loopholes they had taken advantage of for so long to dysfunctionalize governance in the SAR.

The reform of the election system and the introduction of the national security law were responses to the calls of Hong Kong residents for an end to the damaging antics of radical elements in the SAR, and they have helped the SAR government win the support of the people, as they safeguard the collective interests of Hong Kong society.

It is fair to say that thanks to the actions and guidance of the central authorities, the "one country, two systems'' framework for Hong Kong has been tempered so it can better withstand any attempts to undermine it.

With a responsible and fully functioning legislature and effective governance, the SAR enjoys the right conditions for its further development as the integration of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA) is advanced. And with the foundation of one country reinforced, Hong Kong has greater room to give full play to the unique role and comparative strengths of its system.

- Courtesy of China Daily 


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