Lack of filial piety ends offspring’s financial support: TUI ruling

2016-07-27 08:00
BY admin

The Court of Final Appeal (TUI) has upheld the Court of Second Instance’s (TSI) ruling which stated that parents can legally terminate the financial support of their adult offspring on condition that they can prove their children’s disrespect towards them, according to a statement by the office of the city’s top court yesterday.

The TUI ruling comes after a divorced couple identified as C and D failed to pay monthly expenses, university fees and flight tickets for their offspring identified as A and B after a court order. Due to the non-payment, A and B took the case to the Court of First Instance (TJB) and asked the court to compel the parents to pay.

During the TJB hearing, C argued that the two claimants did not show respect towards him, causing the loss of their right to financial support. The TJB rejected this argument and C appealed to the TSI, according the statement.

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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