Saudi Arabian girl on visit to Macau tests negative for MERS

2016-07-29 08:00
BY admin

The Health Bureau (SSM) said in a statement late last night that a Saudi Arabian girl who arrived in Macau on Wednesday underwent tests yesterday for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) after coming down with a fever yesterday morning. The test result was negative and the bureau ruled out the possibility of her being infected with MERS.

According to the statement, the eleven-year-old girl arrived in Macau on Wednesday and went to the private Kiang Wu Medical Centre in Taipa yesterday morning because she had a fever. As she came from Saudi Arabia, one of the countries affected by MERS, she was then taken to the public Conde de Sao Januario Hospital Centre for treatment and tested for the virus.

The statement said that the result was negative and the bureau ruled out MERS.

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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