The Consumer Council (CC) urged residents in a statement yesterday to pay attention to the sugar and calorie content in prepacked cakes, adding that consumers should not eat those cakes often.
According to the statement, the council analysed the nutrition lists for 10 kinds of prepacked cakes. The statement said the results showed that all of the cakes had high sugar levels, and most of them had a high number of calories. The council urged consumers not to eat those products often as it could lead to diabetes-related health problems.
CC partnerships with East Timor & Mozambique
Meanwhile, the council also said that recently the government has been cooperating with Portuguese-speaking countries on consumer council work. The statement pointed out that late last year, the government developed a long-term partnership with East Timor to protect consumer rights, which is known as TANE Konsumidor in the half-island nation north of Australia. The statement said that the government also set up a consumer protection association with Mozambique called ProConsumers. The statement added that the two partnerships provided platforms for consumers to file their complaints and built a bridge between China and East Timor, as well as China and Mozambique. Both East Timor and Mozambique are former Portuguese colonies.
The statement pledged that complaints filed to the two associations will be processed within 15 days to consolidate trust between consumers. The statement underlined that Portugal and Brazil also have partnerships with Macau to help protect consumer rights.
May 2009 file photo of a Swiss Roll – Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons