Councillor rejects opening all urban council meetings to public

2016-08-01 08:00
BY admin

Government-appointed Urban Renewal Council member Wong Chung Yuen said yesterday that some issues related to urban renewal projects could be “sensitive” so he personally disagreed with those members of the public who said that all of its meetings should be open to the public.

Wong made the remarks after attending yesterday’s Macau Forum open-air debate programme in Areia Preta Park when asked by reporters for his comments on criticism that the council lacked transparency.

The council was established early this year when it replaced the now-defunct Consultative Committee on the Renewal of Macau’s Old Quarters, chaired by the policy secretary for transport and public works. It is an advisory body to the government on the drafting of urban renewal policies.

Urban Renewal Council member Wong Chung Yuen talks to reporters after attending yesterday’s Macau Forum in Areia Preta Park. Photo: Ian Sio Tou

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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