IAM checks HK imports up to 500 times per day

2022-03-03 03:26
BY Prisca Tang

Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) President José Fonseca Tavares told reporters yesterday that as recently the packaging of a batch of refrigerated milk imported from Hong Kong tested positive for COVID-19, the bureau has started to inspect Hong Kong imports frequently –up to 500 times per day.

Tavares spoke to the media on the sidelines of yesterday’s Central District Community Service Consultative Council at the Patane Activity Centre of the Municipal Market Complex in Avenida de Demétrio Cinatti.

Tavares said that the bureau has been disinfecting the outer layers of all perishable goods and inspecting their individual packaging. He pointed out that in the last two days, the bureau imposed a stricter measure on non-perishable goods as well, adding that today he will be having a meeting with representatives who are in charge of the ports, delivery companies, Macau Customs Service, the Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT), the Marine and Water Bureau (DSAMA), and the Health Bureau (SSM), to discuss the matter. He urged different sectors to completely disinfect their newly received goods before selling them in the market.

When asked whether the bureau planned to extend the quarantine period for goods imported from Hong Kong, Tavares said that it was “impractical” to do so as there is very limited space for storage at the city’s ports. 

Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) President José Tavares talks to reporters on the sidelines of yesterday’s Central District Community Service Consultative Council at the Patane Activity Centre of the Municipal Market Complex in Avenida de Demétrio Cinatti. Photo courtesy of TDM


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