No schedule for resuming ferry routes between Shenzhen & Macau: DSAMA

2022-03-29 03:08
BY Prisca Tang

Water and Marine Bureau (DSAMA) Director Susana Wong Soi Man told reporters yesterday that there is no schedule for when the ferry routes between Shenzhen and Macau will resume.

Wong made the remarks yesterday on the sidelines of a Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) event at MGM COTAI.

Wong pointed out that even though the suspension has been going on for more than a month, there are still COVID-19 cases in Guangdong, so the bureau needs to seriously consider the situation before making a decision.

When asked by reporters, that as the ferry route between Shenzhen’s Shekou ferry terminal and Hong Kong’s airport resumes tomorrow, whether there are ferry companies that have applied for the resumption of the routes between Shenzhen and Macau, Wong said that a ferry company had applied. She added that, however, the authorities of the two cities need to consider if now is the best time to resume the routes, adding that if the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Shenzhen stabilises, she believes that there is a chance they will resume in due course.

Wong also said that due to the recent COVID-19 cases in nearby regions, crew members coming from Hong Kong by sea will need to have a nucleic acid test (NAT) every day at the public Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre if they get off their vessel, while those who remain on board will get a rapid testing package. She underlined that the related companies and ports will have to abide by the local government’s COVID-19 prevention and control guidelines and disinfect all goods unloaded from the vessel. 

Water and Marine Bureau (DSAMA) Director Susana Wong Soi Man talks to reporters yesterday on the sidelines of a Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) event.
Photo courtesy of TDM


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