Saturday, March 1, 2025

MGTO arranges fringe activities for drone gala

2022-04-29 03:41
BY Rui Pastorin

The Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) announced in a statement yesterday that fringe activities have been launched for the “Macao Drone Gala 2022”, with the Big Drone Exhibition and Drone Formation Display having already opened, while trial flights took place earlier this week. 

The statement noted that the exhibition showcases a 5-metre-long gigantic drone under the white canopy at the Nam Van Lake Nautical Centre on display from 10 a.m.  to 10 p.m. until May 8. Meanwhile, the formation presents a 200-drone display of “I ♡ MACAO” at Anim’Arte NAM VAN, which can be viewed from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. until April 30 and from May 3 to May 6.

Other activities include the “Macao for All Seasons” Photography Contest and “Drone Sky Art” Formation Design Contest, for which entries can be submitted from May 1- May 31. Further information on the activities can be found at website 

Moreover, an online game can be played at until May 8, where reward points can be saved and redeemed for prizes and special offers, along with a lucky draw, the statement said.

The statement underlined that the prizes include “admission tickets to tourism projects, dining coupons and hotel accommodation offered by the six partner entities for the event – Melco Resorts & Entertainment, Wynn, Sands China Ltd., Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG), SJM Resorts, and MGM”.

The statement also pointed out that MGTO is conducting promotions online and offline through various platforms and promotional videos, while the drone shows will also be broadcast online on MGTO’s official WeChat channel and Weibo account, and the “Stopover Macao” and “Experience Macao” Facebook pages.

The shows can be watched on TDM – Macao TV Channel, TDM Entertainment TV Channel and Macau Cable TV’s HD Channel No. 3, and streamed on TDM – Radio Macao’s Chinese Channel (FM100.7) on scheduled evenings, the statement said.

Moreover, as the drones are subject to variations in wind speed and rainfall rate, MGTO will announce any necessary postponements or cancellations as early as possible.

Vehicle access will also be limited in Avenida Panorâmica do Lago Nam Van (南灣湖全景大道) (lanes by the lakeside) on rehearsal days until April 30 and from May 3-6, and on show days, the statement said. Pedestrians are forbidden to walk on the Governador Nobre de Carvalho Bridge, colloquially known as the old bridge (舊大橋), during the shows, the statement said.

The statement reminded that prior to being admitted to the audience areas set up from Anim’Arte NAM VAN to the white canopy, spectators must wear a facemask, undergo a temperature check, present a green Macau Health Code and scan the Venue QR Code, and maintain social distancing.

Staff and performers need to fulfil the Health Bureau’s (SSM) “Prevention of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia– Advice on the Management of Collective Festive Events, and Recreational and Sports Activities” requirements such as completing two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine or had a nucleic acid test (NAT), the statement emphasised. 

This poster provided by MGTO yesterday shows the drone gala’s schedule, along with the various themes.


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