Police nab man for throwing neighbour’s smelly sneakers into trash room

2022-05-03 03:57
BY admin

A man threw two pairs of sneakers that had been put by his neighbour in their residential building’s corridor into the building’s trash room last week as he was angry that the neighbour had ignored his repeated request to remove the smelly sneakers, a Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman said during a regular press conference on Friday.

According to the spokesperson, the man faces a theft charge. The suspect is a 50-year-old local man surnamed Che who told the police that he works as a project manager.

The case occurred in a residential building in Rua Governador Tamagnini Barbosa (巴波沙總督街) in Taipa.

A man, Che’s neighbour, reported to the police on Tuesday night last week that two pairs of his sneakers that he had put outside his home in the building’s corridor had vanished. He told the police he believed that the sneakers had been stolen, according to the spokesperson.

After scrutinising CCTV footage, the spokesperson said, PSP officers confirmed that a man, Che, had put the two pairs of sneakers into a plastic bag and then thrown the bag into the building’s trash room earlier that day. The PSP officers later retrieved the two pairs of sneakers from the trash room.

Che’s neighbour told the police that his two pairs of sneakers are worth a total of 2,200 patacas, the spokesperson said.

According to the spokesperson, PSP officers identified Che as the theft suspect and went to his home to question him.

Under questioning, Che admitted to having stolen the two pairs of sneakers and thrown them into the building’s trash room. Che told the police that he had repeatedly requested the sneakers’ owner to remove them as they were stinking, and they had quarrelled over the matter a number of times, according to the spokesperson.

On Tuesday last week, Che was angry at his neighbour who had repeatedly ignored the requests, and decided to throw his sneakers into the trash room, the spokesperson said.

Che has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) for further questioning, facing a theft charge. 


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