Registration for e-consumption benefits scheme starts today

2022-05-10 02:44
BY Prisca Tang

Registration for the e-consumption benefits scheme starts today at 9 a.m. at on the Macau Monetary Authority’s (AMCM) website, while the Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) has set up a Q&A webpage to answer questions about the new round of the scheme.

According to an AMCM and DSEDT joint statement yesterday, the webpage uses simple graphics and phrases to answer questions about where to register, when to register, the procedures to register, and the locations where the benefits scheme can be used. The statement said that the webpage also features videos to answer the questions about the latest round of the e-consumption benefits scheme in detail.

Residents can visit for more detailed answers to their registration questions.

Both permanent or non-permanent residents, i.e., Macau ID card (BIR) holders, will be entitled to a start-up fund of 5,000 patacas, and a discount grant of 3,000 patacas. Macau ID holders registered via a dedicated website of the Macau Monetary Authority will be able to receive the credits by May 23 at the earliest. The period for using the funds will run from June 1 to February 28 next year. The eight-month validity period is two months longer than the previous round of the scheme.

The rules for using the 5,000-pataca start-up fund and the 3,000-pataca discount grant will be similar to those applicable to the e-consumption scheme last year, such as spending no more than 300 patacas of the start-up fund per day, and a daily maximum of 100 patacas of the discount grant. The mobile payment platform account, or the e-consumption card, can be topped up when the start-up fund has been spent, namely for holders to use up their 3,000-pataca discount grant. After the top-up, the daily maximum expenditure via the discount grant will be 100 patacas. 


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