MUR discusses urban renewal with industry & commerce group

2022-05-18 03:33
BY Rui Pastorin

Macau Urban Renewal Limited (MUR) said in a statement yesterday that it recently visited the Industry and Commerce Association of Macau Northern District (AICZNM) to discuss urban renewal.

The statement noted that the AICZNM President Wong Kin Chong, Director General Ma Kin Cheong and chair of the supervisory board U Cheok Un welcomed the company’s representatives. A presentation was given on Iao Hon Estate’s local area plan during the meeting by MUR Chairperson of the Board of Directors Peter Lam Kam Seng, Vice-Chairperson Leong Keng Seng, Senior Architect Nick Chan Hoi Wa and Urban Planner Joyce Tam Hoi Ian.

According to the statement, Iao Hon Estate’s redevelopment has “many types of complicated issues that require time to be solved” such as the consolidation of ownership, rehousing and moving back after redevelopment, for which details are being discussed with property owners.

The statement added that the concepts of “stock optimisation, vertical city and walkable neighbourhood where the whole area is connected by a pedestrian network” have been adopted for the redevelopment plan. To make the neighbourhood comfortable, commercial spaces, parking and community spaces will be added.

In order to accelerate the redevelopment process, the statement underlined that MUR plans to redevelop the area “one step at a time, by giving the housing blocks, whose property ownerships are more complete, priority for redevelopment”.

Moreover, the statement said that Lam pointed out that MUR will continue to listen to the opinions of the community and the affected neighbourhood’s residents about the redevelopment and that he hopes to keep in close contact with AICZNM.

Meanwhile, Wong, the statement noted, praised MUR’s efforts and also mentioned his concerns for the residents’ living conditions in the Iao Hon Estate and the reasons behind their concerns. The statement also quoted Wong as saying that residents view Iao Hon as an old neighbourhood “in dire need of redevelopment that will require overcoming many challenges during the process”.

Other attendees at the meeting included AICZNM Vice Presidents Rainbow Lei Choi Hong, Lio Kun Fai, Leong Si Iao, Lao Lok Nam, Wong I Mun, Sou Heng Fai, Ng Ngai San, Wong Kong Ioi and Chou Sai Cheong, the statement noted.

MUR is a company owned by the Macau government. 

This undated handout photo provided by Macau Urban Renewal Limited (MUR) yesterday shows MUR representatives giving a presentation on Iao Hon Estate’s local area plan during a recent meeting with the senior members of the Industry and Commerce Association of Macau Northern District at the latter’s headquarters.


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