IAM increases inspections on water dripping from ACs

2022-05-30 03:22
BY Rui Pastorin

The Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) said in a statement on Friday that it is increasing its inspections on water dripping from air conditioners (ACs), as well as asking members of the public to take the initiative to check their air conditioners’ drainage systems and remove stagnant water frequently to “avoid public environmental hygiene issues”.

According to the statement, water dripping from ACs can become a nuisance, create a breeding area for mosquitoes due to stagnant water and affect environmental hygiene as well as COVID-19 prevention.

The statement noted that the bureau has arranged for its staff to increase inspections and issue a “Notice to Improve Air Conditioner Drain Pipe(s)” to households upon finding water dripping from ACs. If it is not solved within a specified period, the statement underlined that the bureau will fine the household involved in line with the “General Regulations Governing Public Places”.

Common causes for water dripping from air conditioners, the statement pointed out, are broken AC drain pipes, improper connection, or leaks in drip trays. The bureau urged the public to regularly check whether the drain pipes and drip trays are installed properly and if the mechanical parts are ageing. The public should also ask professional AC technicians to carry out repairs immediately if any dripping occurs, the statement added.

Moreover, the bureau said that it continues to share the message that “it is important to check and repair air conditioners to prevent them from dripping and causing nuisance to others” on various media platforms and through other publicity materials to remind the public to pay attention to the issue. 

This poster provided by the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) shares the bureau’s message on the importance of preventing air conditioners from dripping.


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