‘Arraial na Ervanários’ & ‘Arraial em Coloane’ attract 53,000 visitors: DSEDT

2022-06-02 03:45
BY Yuki Lei

According to the Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) over 44,000 and 9,000 people have joined the ongoing “Arraial na Ervanários” (關前薈) and “Arraial em Coloane” (悠路環) events respectively, while the number of website visits has reached over 344,000 and 177,000 respectively, Lei Chong In, deputy convener of the government-appointed Central District Social Services Consultative Committee, said yesterday.

While the “Arraial na Ervanários” started last November, the one in Coloane commenced in April this year.

Lei made the remarks during a press briefing after the committee’s closed-door meeting with DSEDT officials at the Patane Activity Centre.

Lei said that according to surveys conducted by the bureau, as of last Sunday, 82 percent of the respondents said that the “Arraial na Ervanários’’ encouraged them to stay longer in the area that the event covered, such as Rua dos Ervanários, adding that 77 percent of them said that they increased their consumption in the area, while 84 percent said they spent more than 50 patacas there.

Concerning the effect of the “Arraial em Coloane” event, Lei said that 87 percent of those surveyed noted that they had extended the time they stayed in Coloane, while 82 percent said that their consumption there had increased, adding that more than 90 percent spent over 50 patacas during their stay in the area.

According to Lei, the “Arraial na Ervanários” and “Arraial em Coloane” run until June 24 and July 31 respectively, adding that 30 and 19 merchants are taking part in the two events respectively as both are aimed at attracting more tourists to spend money there, such as through augmented reality (AR) technologies and different discounts, as well as the distribution of vouchers.

Meanwhile, Chan Wai Pan, a member of the government-appointed Central District Social Services Consultative Committee said that according to the DSEDT officials at yesterday’s meeting, the bureau has been considering a similar event to be held in other districts, adding that the events, such as the “Arraial na Ervanários” can be extended and combined with other activities, such as the Hong Kung Night Market or other cultural activities.

“Arraial” is a Portuguese word for a fun fair or festival, while “Ervanários” is the Portuguese word for “herbalists”. 

Lei Chong In (central), deputy convener of the government appointed Central District Social Services Consultative Committee, and committee members Chan Wai Pan (right) and Wu Hang San’s pose during a press briefing after yesterday’s closed-door meeting at the Patane Activity Centre. Photo: Yuki Lei


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