Govt urges consumers to shop sensibly

2022-06-21 03:55
BY Yuki Lei

The Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) and Consumer Council (CC) said in a statement yesterday that the supply of basic goods in the local market is sufficient, pointing out that businesses such as supermarkets have speeded up the delivery of their supplies to fill up their shelves, so both urged consumers to shop sensibly.

The statement noted that both will keep in contact with the local suppliers and retailers to ensure that the supply chain of daily necessities continues to run smoothly.

The statement added that DSEDT officials and CC staff have been in touch with the people in charge of a number of supermarkets. The statement quoted one of them as saying that the supermarket has increased its orders, such as for frozen food, rice and tinned foods, based on the demand, adding that the supermarket will continue to cooperate with the government’s measures, so as to ensure that the supply of basic goods is sufficient.

According to the statement, the bureau has asked 35 supermarket chains, comprising 286 branches, to adopt certain temporary measures, such as limiting customers’ purchases, to ensure a stable stock. The statement added the supermarkets have been reminded to follow the government’s guidelines of COVID-19 prevention measures.

The statement also noted that as of this month around 1.67 million kilogrammes of rice were in stock, while the stocks for cooking oil reached around 750,000 litres, both of which would normally last for around a month. The statement underlined that the market has enough goods in stock, so the bureau and the council urged residents not to overbuy or resort to panic buying. 

This undated handout photo provided by the Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) and Consumer Council (CC) shows a shelf-stacker filling the shelves of a supermarket’s rice section.


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