Artists hope to share ‘infinite hope and positive energy’ through works

2022-06-22 04:06
BY Rui Pastorin

Artists Carol Sam (岑麗嫦) and Celia Si (施明珠) are showcasing their works in an exhibition titled “Embrace the Rainbow – Hey! Let us talk again after the pandemic” in room C03 of the 10 Fantasia gallery, which aims to share “infinite hope and positive energy”.

The exhibition is presented by the Ark-Association of Macau Art (AAMA) in the art programme “Art Power Jamming – Embrace the Rainbow”, according to a 10 Fantasia statement.

The exhibition, which is the programme’s third, features 23 artworks that aims to “boost positivity among the audience”, the statement noted. Sam’s paintings are about the “new attitude”, which “might be something that people have forgotten after the pandemic”, reminding people of the need to “make peace with what nature has given to us”, according to the statement.

The statement said that prioritising one’s own benefits are not solutions to circumstances like natural disasters and disputes, but people should instead be working together to make contributions and help each other to pursue better mutual interests.

Meanwhile, Si’s digital illustrations “give rise to hope, happiness and love, evoking the power of heart healing”, according to the statement.

The statement added that hope and positive energy are aimed to be conveyed through the works to enable visitors to feel “hope, happiness and love” from the visual and spiritual aspects of the works. The artists, the statement pointed out, also hope that the exhibition can heal the minds of visitors and allow art to create colour in their lives.

The exhibition runs until July 9. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation, the gallery is temporarily closed until further notice.

Some of the works displayed at the “Embrace the Rainbow – Hey! Let us talk again after the pandemic” exhibition. Photos: Rui Pastorin


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