Ho to attend HKSAR’s 25th anniversary celebrations

2022-06-30 03:21
BY admin

Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng arrived yesterday in Hong Kong for a three-day working visit to attend a raft of events marking the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland and the inauguration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s (HKSAR) sixth-term government, the Macau Government Information Bureau (GCS) said in a statement yesterday. 

Ho was invited by Hong Kong’s outgoing Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor to attend the events. The chief-of-office of the Chief Executive’s Office, Hoi Lai Fong, is accompanying Ho on the visit. 

According to the GCS statement, Ho’s delegation has been strictly following Hong Kong’s anti-epidemic requirements. A week prior to departing for Hong Kong, the members of the delegation began self-monitoring their health and have been conducting a rapid antigen test (RAT) and a nucleic acid test (NAT) once a day. When in Hong Kong, the delegation will be under a closed-loop management system, strictly following anti-epidemic rules, including those on testing, the statement pointed out. 

In strict compliance of anti-epidemic measures, upon returning to Macau, the delegation members will each be required by the Health Bureau (SSM) to undergo a NAT on the first, second, fourth, and seventh days counting from the time of re-entry to Macau. During that period, the delegation members are not allowed to attend activities that would require the removal of their facemask. 

During Ho’s absence, Secretary for Administration and Justice André Cheong Weng Chon, will be acting chief executive.

President Xi Jinping is expected to arrive for a working visit in Hong Kong today. 


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