UM reports people violating COVID-19 control measures at on-campus party: police

2022-07-18 03:15
BY Yuki Lei

Student reports alleged sex harassment by professor

Concerning a report by Orange Post, an online publication by University of Macau (UM) students, that a UM professor had hosted a party in the campus’s staff quarters during the government’s special COVID-19 prevention and control measures, Ma Chio Hong, who heads the Operations and Communications Division of the Public Security Police (PSP), said that the public university had reported the incident to the police.

Ma made the remarks during yesterday’s daily Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre press conference.

According to the publication, a male professor of the UM Faculty of Arts and Humanities recently invited a number of students to dine together in the staff quarters on Saturday night, alleging that he had sexually harassed a female student during the party by making physical contact, as well as making impolite remarks and sexual inuendo to her during the party.

Orange Post quoted a source as saying that the party had ended late at night, and that the professor had become drunk during the party.

Meanwhile, Ma quoted the University of Macau as saying that it was “highly” concerned about the incident involving a number of people on campus violating the government’s special COVID-19 control and prevention measures, adding that the university had “zero” tolerance for any breach of the law.

Ma also said that the university had reported the case to the police regarding the gathering of a number of students and a staff member during the period of special COVID-19 prevention and control measures by the government.

Concerning the suspected misconduct by a member of the university staff, Ma also quoted the university as saying that the person involved had been reported to the police so that the university was currently not able to comment on the case. 


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