Tiny Star with lioness heart crosses rainbow bridge

2016-08-26 08:01
BY admin

About a month ago a horribly injured tiny month-old kitten was found in a local car park with most of her scalp missing and an ear hanging off. 

She was rushed to the Green Cross Vet Clinic in Avenida de Sidonio Pais where for a month the vets fought to save her life and heal her appalling wounds. Sadly on Wednesday morning during an operation to completely cover the part of her skull that was left exposed, the tiny kitten, named Star, who was as brave as a lioness, died while under the anaesthetic.

This is Star’s story

The young woman who found Star horribly injured in the car park took her to the Macau Association for Stray Dogs and Animal Welfare (MASDAW) in Coloane. Fatima Galvao of MASDAW saw that this tiny little fur ball was in a terrible way and needed immediate treatment and took her to the Green Cross Vet Clinic. 

MASDAW is non-profit organisation that rescues and de-sexes dogs and other animals in need of help, according to their Facebook page.

Star posing in Green Cross Clinic on August 16. Photo: Lesley Wells

Star being held by vet Paula Reais in Green Cross Clinic on Tuesday. Photos: Lesley Wells

Star appearing to smile in Green Cross Clinic on August 16.

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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