More foreigners can enter Macau from mainland without having to apply in advance

2022-08-22 03:57
BY Tony Wong

Macau’s Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre has announced that from today more groups of non-resident foreigners (foreign nationals without a Macau ID card) are allowed to directly enter Macau from the mainland without having to apply for entry beforehand.

The new measure, which was announced on Saturday night, took effect at 00:00 today.

According to Saturday’s statement, the new measure covers those who hold a visa that allows them to return to mainland China without the need to apply for a new visa, provided that they have not visited any countries and regions outside mainland China within the past 10 days before their intended entry into Macau.

Saturday’s statement noted that since June certain groups of non-resident foreigners have been allowed to enter Macau directly from the mainland without the need to apply to the Macau Health Bureau in advance, such as foreign non-resident workers (NRWs), professional NRWs’ family members who have obtained a special permit to stay in Macau, and foreign students enrolled in Macau’s higher education institutions who need to commute frequently between the mainland and Macau.

According to Saturday’s statement, the beneficiaries of the new measure include various groups of foreigners such as those holding a valid residence permit for foreigners in the Chinese mainland with the purpose for work, personal matters or family reunion, and those holding a valid diplomatic, official, or courtesy visa issued by the mainland authorities. 

In addition, according to the statement, the new measure also covers those who hold a valid Portuguese passport. Moreover, unlike other foreigners Portuguese passport holders entering Macau do not need to hold a visa that allows them to return to the mainland. 


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