Xi says order restored in HK, vows peaceful Taiwan reunification but reserves right to use force

2022-10-16 16:41
BY admin

Xi Jinping stressed today that Hong Kong returned to stability thanks to efforts by the central government, such as thanks to the implementation of the policy of patriots governing the city.

Xi made the remarks in a speech this morning marking the start of the seven-day 20th Communist Party of China (CPC) National Congress in Beijing.

"In the face of turbulent developments in Hong Kong, the central government exercised overall jurisdiction over the special administrative region as prescribed by China's Constitution and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and ensured Hong Kong is administered by patriots," he said.

"Thanks to these moves, order has been restored in Hong Kong, marking a major turn for the better in the region.

"We have helped Hong Kong enter a new stage in which it has restored order and is set to strive."

Xi highlighted the successful implementation of the "One Country, Two Systems" principle under which the people of Hong Kong and Macau administer the respective special administrative regions (SARs) with a high degree of autonomy.

"The policy of 'One Country, Two Systems' is a great innovation of socialism with Chinese characteristics... This policy must be adhered to over the long term," he said.

Xi added that Beijing will support Hong Kong and Macau in better integrating themselves into the nation's overall development.

On Taiwan, Xi said, "We have resolutely fought against separatism and countered interference, demonstrating our resolve and ability to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and to oppose 'Taiwan independence'.

“We will continue to strive for peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and the utmost effort, but we will never promise to renounce the use of force, and we reserve the option of taking all measures necessary. This is directed solely at interference by outside forces and the few separatists seeking 'Taiwan independence' and their separatist activists; it is by no means targeted at our Taiwan compatriots.”

He added that an overall policy framework has been put forward to resolve the Taiwan question, and cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation have been facilitated.

– RTHK, Xinhua, MPD


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