Man cheats ex-colleague in foreign currency investment scam: police

2023-02-08 03:03
BY William Chan

A local man scammed his ex-colleague by claiming that he could help him invest in “foreign currency”, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Lou Chan Fai said at a press conference on Monday.

The 32-year-old suspect surnamed Chan told the police that he’s jobless. Chan and the victim, who is in his forties, have known each other since they previously worked in the same company as construction workers.

According to Lou, the victim was persuaded by Chan to invest HK$50,000 in “foreign currency” which he said would make a daily profit of between HK$300 and HK$800 in early January. After the victim transferred the money to Chan’s bank account on January 12, he received a HK1,200 “commission” within a couple of days. Chan then persuaded the victim to transfer another 51,500 patacas to Chan on January 14 and soon received a HK3,600 “commission”. 

Chan later persuaded the victim to invest yet again, but his ex-colleague refused and demanded the principal back. After the victim received HK$4,000 from Chan, he lost contact with him and reported the case to the police.

According to Lou, when police officers went to his home in Nape on Friday, only his family members were in the flat. Chan turned himself in later that day, admitted to the crime and claimed that he had gambled away the ill-gotten money. 

Chan has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing a fraud charge, Lou said. 

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Lou Chan Fai looks on during Monday’s regular press conference.
– Photo: William Chan


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