Motorbike, public bus crash in San Ma Lou, rider & pillion hurt

2023-02-21 02:57
BY admin

A motorcycle crashed into a public bus in Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, the city’s main thoroughfare, yesterday afternoon, slightly injuring the rider and pillion, the authorities said.

The avenue is commonly known as San Ma Lou in Cantonese.

The duo comprise a 63-year-old local woman and a six-year-old girl, also a local resident. The authorities did not announce their relationship.

According to statements from the Fire Services Bureau (CB) and the Public Security Police (PSP), the accident occurred at around 5 p.m. near the traffic light-controlled crossing outside the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) headquarters and Largo do Senado, the city’s main square.

Nobody on the TCM bus was injured.

The motorcycle rider and pillion were taken to the public Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre for treatment. There were no updates about their conditions as of last night.

According to the statements, the woman sustained abrasions to her right palm and right knee, while the girl sustained contusions to her left knee.

The TCM bus was travelling from Nam Van to the Inner Harbour district when the accident occurred.

The police have launched an investigation into the exact cause of the accident.

TCM said in a statement yesterday that when the bus driver was driving “normally’ along the avenue, the motorcycle changed lanes and then hit the left side of the bus.

TCM pledged that it will fully cooperate with the police in their investigation into the accident’s exact cause, the statement said. 


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