Moxibustion treatment causes CO1 poisoning: SSM

2023-03-03 03:03
BY Yuki Lei

The Health Bureau (SSM) said in a statement that a local woman, who had been rushed to the private Kiang Wu Hospital earlier yesterday, was diagnosed with carbon monoxide (CO1) poisoning.

According to the statement, the 57-year-old victim, who received moxibustion treatment in her bedroom in Regal Seaview Garden on Rua de Choi Long in Taipa, was found unresponsive on the bed by her family yesterday afternoon.

The statement said that the victim was in stable condition after undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy, adding that her family had not developed any symptoms of CO1 poisoning.

After a preliminary investigation, the bureau found a moxibustion bed in the victim’s bedroom, where all the windows and doors were closed when the victim was found unresponsive, suspecting that the case was caused by toxic particle accumulation.

The statement noted that those suffering CO1 poisoning usually experience mild dizziness, nausea and vomiting, but even fall into a coma or die if the condition is severe.

According to the statement, carbon monoxide is a product of the incomplete combustion of carbon-containing substances, which combine with haemoglobin in the human body and make it lose the ability to carry oxygen, resulting in CO1 poisoning.

The statement underlined that in any activity involving fuel use, the environment must be ventilated.

The bureau urged those who believe that they are affected by CO1 poisoning to stay calm, leave the place immediately, go to an open area, loosen their clothing and seek medical care promptly.

Moxibustion (艾灸) is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) therapy which consists of burning dried mugwort on particular points on the body. 

Image courtesy of US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 


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