Police nab 3 Mongolian hotel mall shoplifters

2023-05-11 03:29
BY William Chan

In two separate cases, a Mongolian couple and a male have been arrested for stealing clothes in a hotel resort mall in Cotai, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Wong Wai Chon said during a regular press conference yesterday.

The couple are in their thirties, while the other male suspect is in his fifties. They told the police that they’re jobless.

According to Wong, on Saturday afternoon when police officers were on patrol in the mall, they saw a suspicious-looking man and woman come out of a shop with a holdall, after which the duo stopped in a corridor and started counting the number of items of clothing.

Police officers immediately approached the duo, who admitted to shoplifting the clothes and told the police that they are a couple who entered Macau on Saturday. CCTV footage of the shop showed that the couple had stayed in the shop for nearly an hour when they took a total of 15 items of clothing worth 3,000 patacas into the fitting room, put them in the holdall, and left without paying. 

In the second case, a shop manager reported to the police that last Thursday evening two men and a woman entered the shop and stole a total of 23 items of clothing worth around 7,500 patacas. Wong noted that the suspects had left Macau later that day. 

When one of the suspects re-entered Macau through the Barrier Gate checkpoint on Saturday, he was arrested and admitted that the stolen clothes were sold in Zhuhai. He told the police that he was not acquainted with the other two suspects involved in the theft from the same shopping centre, and claimed that he could not recall the exact amount of money he had received for selling the stolen clothes.

The three suspects have been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing theft charges, according to Wong. 

This undated photo provided by the Public Security Police (PSP) yesterday shows the clothes seized from the Mongolian couple.

This undated photo provided by the Public Security Police (PSP) yesterday shows PSP officers escorting the Mongolian suspect in his fifties to a police station.


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