Local musician shares her inspiration behind upcoming performance

2023-06-07 02:41
BY admin

Interview by William Chan

        In a recent online interview with The Macau Post Daily, Siu Tin Chi, a local female pianist and composer, discussed her musical journey and upcoming performance with the CHI Quartet.

Born in Hong Kong and raised in Macau, Siu received her classical education at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and later pursued jazz at the Rotterdam Conservatory (Codarts) and New York Manhattan School of Music. With a multicultural musical background, her musical style ranges from classical to Scandinavian jazz.

Siu ‘s compositions are a reflection of her diverse musical influences, blending classical melodies with intricate jazz harmonies and improvisation with Indian and European folk rhythms, which represent her long-standing fascination with the music of different cultures. She released her first album “Unspoken” in 2022.

“Unspoken” showcases Tin Chi’s talent as a musical storyteller. Her compositions are full of emotional depth, beautiful lyricism, multi-layered textures, and rhythmical complexity. You can hear a clear vision with a personal touch, fearless of any stylistic borders. The support of an outstanding ensemble helps her bring this music to life. — Review by German jazz pianist Franz von Chossy

Upcoming performance

As Siu prepares for her upcoming performance, she explained the inspiration behind each of her songs. “Unspoken” is a piece that pays homage to her German piano teacher, Franz von Chossy, who inspired her to break free from limitations in life and art. “Inner Child” is a personal piece that reflects a lost period of her life, as she searched for her roots and the meaning of life. It is a nostalgic reflection of the sweet memories she shared with her grandfather as a child.

“The Dance” is a playful and elegant piece that captures her experience as a ballet accompanist. “Mountain Poem” is a powerful piece about persevering through life’s hardships, using the metaphor of climbing a mountain to reach the top. “Sky of the flatland” is a piece inspired by a serene train ride in the Netherlands, where Siu witnessed the sun breaking through the clouds to warm the land.

“On the way” is a piece inspired by her friend, Django, and their trip to the railway station. “A fair Maiden from Afar” is a traditional Chinese folk song that Siu arranged, telling the story of a beautiful lady who captures the attention of everyone who passes by her house.

“Dandelion” is a piece about self-worth and the beauty of every individual’s life path, celebrating the diversity of humanity and the natural cycle of life. Finally, “Flying Dream” is a nostalgic piece that reflects on a recurring childhood dream of running and flying freely in a desert.

During the interview, Siu expressed her excitement to return to her hometown after a long hiatus due to the pandemic. “This concert will be the first performance that me and my quartet have had in Macau since our last show in November 2019,” she said. Siu is grateful for the support of Mars Lee Siu Hong, chairman of the Macau Jazz Promotion Association (MJPA), who was instrumental in making this concert happen. She is also thankful to be sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC).

Siu noted that Macau holds a special place in her heart, as it is where she grew up, received her education, and was nurtured as a musician. She looks forward to performing for her family, friends, and fans in Macau, and sharing the music that she loves with the local audience. Despite the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the music industry, Siu said she remains optimistic about the future of musicians’ development in the post-pandemic era. “I believe that music has the power to bring people together and I hope to continue creating and sharing my art with audiences around the world,” she said.

Siu will be performing alongside Dutch saxophonist player Loek van den Berg, Bulgarian drummer Martin Hafizi, and Hong Kong player Justin Siu on double bass at the Small Auditorium of the Macau Cultural Centre (CCM) on June 25 at 7:45 p.m.  Ticket prices are 160 patacas and can be purchased at: www.macauticket.com/

This undated photo shows the CHI Quartet performing in Wontonmeen in Hong Kong. – All photos provided by Siu Tin Chi

This undated photo shows the CHI Quartet performing at Jazz Café Dizzy in Rotterdam.


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