Man steals razors & blades worth 10,800 patacas: police

2023-08-08 03:18
BY Leong Ian Kio

A local man in his sixties stole 10,800 patacas worth of razors and razor blades from a supermarket in the city centre between July 24-26, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Lam Keong said in a regular press conference at the Macau Public Security Forces Academy yesterday.

The theft suspect, surnamed Cheang, is jobless. He stole around 10 packets of razor blades, valued at over 3,000 patacas in total, and more than 30 razors, valued at over 7,000 patacas in total.

Supermarket staff noticed 42 missing items at the end of July. Upon reviewing CCTV footage, they discovered a man engaging in multiple instances of theft between July 24-26.

On Thursday, the same man entered the supermarket to steal again, while supermarket staff had already noted his appearance. Hiding three items underneath his clothes, all of which were razor blades and razors worth 673 patacas, the man was about to leave without paying before he was confronted by staff at the exit. Upon questioning, the man denied stealing them.

Cheang was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) on Thursday, facing theft charges, Lam said. 

Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Lam Keong looks on during yesterday’s regular press conference at the Zape branch of the Macau Public Security Forces Academy yesterday.
– Photo: Leong Ian Kio


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