CCAC exchanges views with Hebei delegation

2023-09-07 02:56
BY Rui Pastorin

The Commission Against Corruption’s (CCAC) Deputy Commissioner-cum-Director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau Ao Ieong Seong yesterday welcomed the Hebei Provincial Supervisory Committee delegation, which visited Macau for three days, and exchanged views on different issues, according to a CCAC statement.

The statement noted that the delegation visited Macau to learn about the promotion and education activities conducted by the CCAC in the local community and schools, and was led by the committee’s Publicity Department Director Wang Yongjun.

The delegates visited the Declaration of Assets and Interests Division and CCAC’s two Branch Offices in Areia Preta and Taipa to understand Macau’s corruption prevention and integrity education work, according to the statement.

During yesterday’s meeting, Ao and the delegation exchanged views on issues such as the fight against graft, mutual case assistance, recovery and persuading fugitives to return, and the prevention of occupational, i.e., work-related crimes, the statement said. Ao said she hoped that the visit would benefit and inspire the delegates, according to the statement.

Apart from fighting venality and administrative illegalities, the CCAC is also tasked with the functions of an ombudsman. 

This undated handout photo provided by the Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) yesterday shows the Hebei Provincial Supervisory Committee delegation visiting the CCAC’s Branch Office in Areia Preta.


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