Free flu jab campaign to start on Monday

2023-09-22 03:26
BY Yuki Lei

The Health Bureau (SSM) said in a statement yesterday that it will give priority to local residents at high risk of influenza (aka flu) to receive free flu shots for the 2023-2024 northern hemisphere flu season period.

The vaccination drive is slated to start on Monday.

According to the statement, the vaccination campaign is free of charge for children aged at least six months and under the age of 18, pregnant women, those suffering from chronic illnesses, obese persons, i.e., those with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above and all those aged at least 50, as well as those working in casinos and people who have an urgent need to travel outside Macau.

In addition, the jab is also available for higher education institution students, staff members of tertiary education establishments and retirement homes, as well as those working in public entities, or those considered by the bureau to need the vaccination.

The statement noted that SSM officials will be dispatched to local kindergartens and primary and secondary schools to carry out collective vaccinations between October and December. The statement added that the bureau will also send staff to vaccinate those in rehabilitation homes, public entities, and other insitituions which contain a large number of people.

As the 2023-2024 influenza vaccine contains an updated influenza antigen, the bureau urged those who received the 2022-2023 flu shots between last September and August this year to get their new flu jab, while also urging people at high risk to get vaccinated as early as possible before late November to safeguard their health. 


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