Man dies after being hit by car on zebra crossing: police

2023-09-28 03:46
BY Yuki Lei

A local man died at the public Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre after having been hit by a car while crossing Estrada Almirante Marques Esparteiro in Taipa early yesterday morning, according to a Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman and two PSP statements.

The traffic accident happened in Estrada Almirante Marques Esparteiro at about 5:18 a.m. yesterday, in which a light vehicle travelling along Estrada Almirante Marques Esparteiro towards Avenida dos Jardins do Oceano struck a male pedestrian who was on the zebra crossing near Rotunda Leonel Sousa, the PSP noted.

The local driver in his fifties was suspected of having failed to give way to the victim, who was in his sixties, on the zebra crossing, resulting in his death from serious injuries, the PSP said, adding that the victim was unconscious when the ambulance arrived and rushed him to the public hospital.

The driver, who passed a breathalyser test, was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) yesterday, according to the PSP.

The police urged anyone who witnessed the accident or believes to have any information about it to contact the on-duty traffic police officer on 2837 4214. 


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