Wang has 'constructive & substantial strategic communication' with Sullivan

2023-10-28 19:23
BY admin

    WASHINGTON - Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and  foreign minister, met yesterday with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

The two sides held substantial and constructive strategic communication on China-US relations, high-level bilateral exchanges as well as international and regional issues of common concern, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
They agreed to make joint efforts for a meeting between the two heads of state in San Francisco.
"Taiwan independence" poses the biggest threat to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and constitutes the biggest challenge to China-US relations, Wang said, adding that "Taiwan independence" must be firmly opposed, and the opposition must be translated into concrete actions.
Wang also expounded on China's solemn position on the South China Sea issue.

The two sides agreed to maintain strategic communication. 

   - Xinhua 

Caption: Foreign Minister Wang Yi (right) shakes hands with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in Washington, DC, yesterday. - Xinhua 


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