MGTO chief expects hotel occupancy rate to exceed 90 pct during MGP

2023-10-31 03:06
BY Yuki Lei

Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes told the media yesterday she was “quite confident” that Macau’s hotel occupancy rate during the six-day Macau Grand Prix (MGP) would exceed 90 percent, adding that although MGTO has yet to collect the guestroom reservation data for the Grand Prix period from November 11-12 and November 16-19, she estimated that it would be “relatively satisfactory”.

According to Senna Fernandes, the recent hotel occupancy rate is “relatively ideal”.

According to the latest available data from the Statistics and Census Bureau (DSEC), Macau’s 136 hotels and inns comprising 45,000 guestrooms recorded an average hotel occupancy rate of 88.7 percent in August.

Senna Fernandes noted that in response to one of Macau’s annual “big festivals”, the opening of the Macau Grand Prix Museum in Nape will be extended to 9:30 p.m. on the weekend of November 11-12 and on November 16-19, enabling tourists who have enjoyed the races in the afternoon to visit the museum in the evening.

According to Macau’s top tourism official, MGTO has put a lot of effort into its promotion campaign for the upcoming Grand Prix.

In addition to the publicity on social media platforms in the mainland and some traditional media in Macau, according to Senna Fernandes, MGTO has also been cooperating with some airlines to advertise the Grand Prix and Macau such as on Cathay Pacific flights, hoping that international tourists who initially just plan to travel to Hong Kong will then also visit Macau thanks to the onboard publicity campaign.

Senna Fernandes also said she expected the number of events to be held next month, such as the annual Macau International Food Festival and land-sea-air show, to exert a pulling effect on each other, expecting the government’s “tourism+” integration to bring more tourists to Macau during the six MGP days.

Senna Fernandes made the remarks after the traditional Chinese blessing ceremony for the upcoming 70th MGP, at the Macau Grand Prix Building on Avenida da Amizade.

Meanwhile, according to the Sports Bureau (ID), a total of about 250 drivers and riders will compete in this year’s car and motorcycle races, including 40 locals. 

Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes talks to reporters after the traditional Chinese blessing ceremony for the upcoming 70th Macau Grand Prix (MGP), at the Macau Grand Prix Building on Avenida da Amizade in the Outer Harbour area. – Photo: Yuki Lei


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