Over 1,000 residents learn AED first aid in past 6 years: SSM

2024-01-19 03:08
BY Ginnie Liang

More than 1,000 residents participated in the government’s first aid courses in the local community to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation and use automated external cardiac defibrillators (AEDs) over the past six years, the Health Bureau (SSM) said in its recent reply to lawmaker Song Pek Kei’s written interpellation.

Song called for expanding the coverage rate of AEDs in the city in her written interpellation released last month. Copies of the interpellation and the reply from the government were sent to the media recently.

According to the bureau, AEDs have been generally installed at places with high pedestrian flow, including public medical institutions, border checkpoints, some schools, public facilities and frontline service points in the public and private sectors.

The bureau also said that it has also held a number of Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) courses from the American Heart Association to train healthcare staff of the bureau to become qualified instructors, adding that it plans to expand its teams of instructors to promote cardiopulmonary resuscitation courses to the community.

In addition, the Fire Services Bureau (CB) will continue to promote basic rescue knowledge to the public, including “Civil Protection Volunteers” and “Rescue Pioneers” workshops, with more than 3,000 people participating, the Health Bureau said in its reply. 

This screenshot captured last night from a video released by the Macau Red Cross three years ago displays the location of automated external cardiac defibrillators (AEDs) in the city.


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