Pui Ching F4 students give their take on Israeli-Palestinian conflict

2024-01-29 03:19
BY admin

After reading about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during class, Form 4 students from Pui Ching Middle School have written short reflective essays to express their feelings about the issue. From hoping for a peaceful solution to looking at the matter from another perspective, the students have put their views on paper to shine a light on the unresolved issue.

Reflections on Israel-Hamas War: the devastating consequences and the quest for peace

Marco Ka

In China, war may seem distant, but I believe it is something that affects our daily lives, given its frequent occurrence in the world today.

While reading an article about the war between Israel and Palestine, I was devastated and filled with sympathy for the Palestinians’ plight. It made me ponder whether there are any possibilities for these two nations to find a way to end their racial conflicts. Unfortunately, it seems unlikely to happen in the near future, as the Israeli Prime Minister [Benjamin Netanyahu] stated, “The war exacts a very heavy price on us. However, we have no choice but to continue fighting.” Undoubtedly, the issue of territory is deeply intertwined with national identity, making it difficult for two countries sharing the same land to treat each other with peace and love. As a result, war becomes an entrenched outcome that is not easily altered.

Compared to the teenagers and children living in Gaza, I consider myself fortunate to have been born in a safe and secure region. However, I wholeheartedly wish that all the kids currently enduring the horrors of war may experience a joyful childhood and have a promising future. The news of the Israel-Hamas war has totally struck a chord with me, emphasising the devastating consequences of conflict and the urgent need for a peaceful world. It serves as a sobering reminder that wars not only bring destruction and suffering but also hinder the growth and potential of an entire generation.

Let’s end the violence

Tomy Cheng

The Israeli military strikes in central Gaza have had a disastrous impact on Palestinians. I believe that bombardment and gunfire are never a way for Israel to take control of Gaza, but rather a decimation of humanity.

Roughly 20,400 innocent Palestinians had died by Christmas Eve last year. Their homeland has been destroyed and devastated. Seeing the residents of Gaza being tortured both physically and mentally, not to mention the children affected by Israel’s weapons, I am truly disappointed by the actions taken by Israel. They have chosen violence instead of rational communication with Palestine.

Although the Israeli Prime Minister [Benjamin Netanyahu] stated that the war exacted a heavy price on them [Israel] and they had no choice but to continue fighting, it is nonsensical to believe that they couldn’t stop launching weapons to prevent further death and damage. They have only focused on their own benefits, disregarding human rights and well-being, which is deeply disappointing in modern society.

Overall, Israel must immediately cease their attack and approach the situation rationally, considering whether it is necessary to flatten Gaza using such devastating violence.

Seeking Peace: Reflections on the Israel-Palestine conflict 

Angelina Cheong 

A few days ago, I watched a video which was about the first 24 hours of the recent war in Gaza. The vlogger of this video was a tourist, and he was invited to have breakfast with his Israeli friend. Immediately, his friend was called up to join the combat.

Reading news articles about the Israel-Palestine conflict, I noticed that many innocent citizens were killed. At this point, I hope that the vlogger’s friend is safe. I wonder why couldn’t the different parties of this war communicate with each other instead of hurting innocent people? I understand that the conflict between Israel and Palestine has a long history, but building a peaceful relationship would not only benefit their governments but also the civilians!

In my opinion, I believe no citizen would like to live in an unsafe country. Then, why would leaders of governments be so selfish to start a war? Wars are pointless and would likely be never-ending. I hope both parties could find a more suitable solution to solve this conflict.

The humanitarian crisis in the Gaza-Israel war 

Jimmy Hu

The death toll is rising steadily as the war between Gaza and Israel continues. The war itself is not humanitarian, as it has taken away the lives of over 20,000 Palestinians and displaced 2.3 million people from their homes, with the majority being innocent civilians. 

War brings nothing but sadness and anger, among other emotions, which can lead to the beginning of another vicious cycle. As the Israeli Prime Minister [Benjamin Netanyahu] has stated, the war would lead to a very heavy price for both sides. 

The best way for both parties to deal with their problems is through negotiations or peaceful communications. Peace is the only thing that benefits humanity and keeps us alive. Let’s hope there won’t be another war.

Are they victims or villains? 

Olivia Lin

Throughout the centuries, there have always been wars, but only in the recent decades are we more aware of global events. We look at the war in Gaza and think, “How inhumane!” But when has war ever been without casualties? Bloodshed is, after all, normal. 

We as common civilians often like to comment on global events, but we should also remember that the information we get is probably full of lies. Do we really know if 20,000 Palestinians were killed? Are the Hamas villains, or are they the victims? We may be subjected to propaganda without even knowing it.

We’ll never really know the actual truth. War is common, and so is propaganda. The only thing we can do is pray.


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